Marks D

(c) Antique Metalware Society

Small extracts can be used with acknowledgements to '' website.

Helpful comments are very welcome.

M & D, 30, Greene Street, New York, copper cookware pan.  Details welcome.  (Photo John Mason).  
B D & Co Chicago & New York, unknown mark on a saucepan.   (Photo by Guy E Clarke II.)  
D & S  Unknown mark found under a small pressed brass jardinière, probably British.  
Dalarna, Sweden.  Mark on a modern Swedish spun copper sugarbowl. see Swedish Copperware.  
A Dannhauer, Geneva, coppersmith.  Mark on a copper cream jug.  Further details welcome.  (Picture ack: antiquesboutikeuk)  
Davey & Co.,  see: Guernsey jug  
Davies and Hill, 56-60, Pritchett Street, Birmingham, 6. Brassfoundry.  Trade Name 'Davill'.  
Davis & Mawson, 17 & 20 Cardigan Street, Birmingham, then Plume Street, Aston, Birmingham, brassfounders, oilers. Photo wanted.  
Maurice Davis and Heaps, Birmingham, now Mosda, cigarette lighters.  (Photo courtesy Maurice Kirman.)  
Davis and Timmins, 109-111 Pope Street, St Pauls Birmingham B1.  Est. 1876, making pressings and machining.  

 Carl Deffner, Esslingen, Germany, decorative copper, brass and plated tableware.  He was born in 1856 and took over management of his father's metalware factory in 1900.  Responsible for many excellent designs during the art nouveau and art deco periods.  The factory closed in  1959.German Copper and Brass.

DeHillerin , cookware,  founded 1820. Paris, France. (Photo courtesy Sarah & John Hardcastle) French Copperr  
Delta Metal Cooriginally at Tunnel Avenue, East Greenwich, London (was post code SE10 0QA) on the site now occupied by the Millennium Dome and at Dartmouth Street, Birmingham, Bromford Lane, West Bromwich, and elsewhere. Alexander Dick had founded the firm in 1888 to exploit his patents and inventions, particularly the process of extrusion of brass to make rods, bars, hollows and shapes.  The 'Delta' trade name came from the Greek initial of his Christian name.  He also formed 'The Extruded Metal Co. Ltd.  A large group was gradually developed by takeovers of companies such as Enfield Rolling Mills, Enfield Copper Refiners, Encon Bearing Metals, Enfield Cables, Enfield Winding Wires, MEM Co., E.P Jenks, James Booth Aluminium, Manganese Bronze Co., Sperryn & Co., Earle Bourne & Co.,  Barker and Allen Ltd., Davis & Timmins Ltd., Heaton and Dugard Ltd., Aston Chain & Hook Co., Refrigeration Appliances Ltd. and others.  The Delta Group have now largely closed or sold off their metal making interests. Enfield Rolling Mills  
Demeyere, a mark previously used by Demeyere of Herentals, Belgium, a firm founded in 1908 and now now known for cookware. (Thanks to Wilbert Hendricksen) This mark under a copper kettle.  
Derricourt Brassware Ltd., Great Tindale Street, Birmingham 16, see Lombard.  
  Derverlea Products Ltd., 44 Princip Street, Aston Cross, Birmingham, (1930s) then 52 Clement Street, Birmingham 1 by 1943.  Made decorative holloware and buttons.  
Desmo, Birmingham, founded in 1922 as Desmo Limited at 31, Stepford St. The works was in Scholefield Street Birmingham 7, which disappeared from the map in 1961 or 62 during the Newtown slum clearance programme of the time. Desmo then moved to Brierley Hill. It made a huge range of motor accessories from wing mirrors to radiator mascots.   
It was owned from 1926 by the H&S Group (=Harris & Sheldon) and was sold by them not so long ago to Paddy Hopkirk limited, now trading asMont Blanc Industri UK Ltd., Eden Way, Pages Industrial Park, Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire. LU7 4TZ. (Thanks to Peter Brown for this information)  
 Dinanderie -  a mark under a souvenir jug from the very historical brassmaking town of Dinant.  Interestingly, birds are perched on the crossed hammers of the metalworkers.  Also stamped 'Made in Belgium'. see French and Belgian Copper.   
DM Co – unknown mark on a copper tray.  The maker may have been Australian.  (information from John Bisby)  
Dirigold, USA, tableware 'Dirilyte' trade name.  'Dirigold' was used between 1926 and 1935 after which it became 'Dirilyte' to satisfy the Federal Trade Commission. Three clover motif.  
Dirilyte Co is based in Kokomo Indiana and still makes flatware and holloware.  Some has a bonded protective coating.  
Down Bros,  21 & 23 Thomas Street, SE1 and other addresses in London.  They were expert coppersmiths supplying cookware and surgical equipment.  
Christopher Dresser The majority of items made to his designs do not bear his signature.  There are many websites and books. Christopher Dresser in Wolverhampton  
Drew & Sons of 33, Piccadilly Circus, London had a shop selling goods including splendid picnic sets.  One kettle has the design registration number of 200166 which they registered on 6th October 1892  
DRGM  German patent mark (meaning Deutsches Reich Geschmacksmuster   (or Gebrauchmuster?)) that appears with or without a registration number.  It seems to have been introduced around 1900 and was used on both domestic and industrial designs as well as jewellery.  Officially it was withdrawn in 1945 but also appears on some items of a later date. see German Copper and Brass.  
Dron-Wal - see Phillip B Waldron Co Ltd  
Drum Craft, Redruth, Cornwall., label found under a handmade bowl.  More information welcome.  
Drumgold, California, hand wrought tableware.  There is a Drumgold Copper Arts at 7216 Hawley, Oakland, California listed in the 1949 Oakland Business Directory. Leland Joseph Drumgold was a tinsmith for the railroad and an "industrial arts" teacher in Oakland. He is the only Drumgold that I find in Oakland in this time frame, so he seems the most likely person to have been the maker of the Drumgold hand hammered wares.  (Information from Pat Dolan)  

Dryad Lester, quality art copperware, mainly bowls.

This is the one of the marks used by the Dryad Handicrafts and Metal Work Company based in Leicester.  It was set up by Harry Hardy Peach (1874-1936).  Harry Peach was one of those who felt that the efficiency of industry was compatible with the individual flair of the artist. This faith led him to found the Dryad Works for Handicrafts and Metal Work. 

Peach was also a rambler, a member of the Leicestershire Footpaths Association, a Fabian, President of the Literary and Philosophical Society, an ardent campaigner for the preservation of rural England, and a keen folk dancer.  His work, including the metalwork, is discussed in detail in Pat Kirkham's book: ‘Harry Peach, Dryad and the DIA’ published by the Design Council, London in 1986. 

Leicester is noted for its contribution to the arts and crafts movement especially through the work of the architect and designer, Ernest Gimson.   (Thanks to Tom Whiteside, Leicester Museum). Papers relating to Dryad Metal Works c1920-1968 are in Leicestershire Records Office.

DSCG Duchess of Sutherland Cripples Guild.     Millicent, 4th Duchess of Sutherland (1867-1955), was a well-known social reformer in the Potteries area of Staffordshire.  She founded the Potteries Cripples Guild which produced very good quality hand beaten copper ware, usually of simple elegant design.   

Duparquet, Huot & Moneuse Co. 110, W 22nd Street, New York.  Mark on  copper cooking pan. Duparquet merged with Nathan Straus, Inc to become Nathan Straus Duparquet,Inc. and continued to operate under that name well into the 1960's. (Ack. John Mason of Lexington, Ky.) 

Mark with the full initials from their address 43 and 45 Wooster Street, New York.

Dyer, Herbert, Herbert Dyer, art coppersmith, worked in Mousehole  near Penzance, Cornwall during the 1920s, influenced by the Newlyn School of craftsmen.  




















































